Wearing wigs has become a popular way for women to change their hairstyles as they please. This is because it is stress-free and takes no time to get the desired look. However, what makes wigs more interesting is having different options. You can choose your wig using color, textures, length, style, and parting. Many choose according to textures to be able to match their natural hair. In this guide, you will learn about the versatility of water wave wigs. You will also understand how to select your wigs to suit a particular face shape or personality.
Table of Content
- What Does Water Wave Wig mean?
- Different Wave Types and Their Suitability for Different Face Shapes and Personalities
- How Do You Maintain a Water Wave Wig?
- Where Can I Buy Quality Water Wave Wigs?
- Conclusion
What Does Water Wave Wig Mean?
A water wave wig is a type of wig texture that comes with water-like curls. The curl pattern follows different directions, just like water ripples. Water wave wigs have become quite popular among wig wearers because of their sleek texture. It also gives a natural appeal that makes it the perfect wig to wear for any type of occasion.
Different Wave Types and Their Suitability for Different Face Shapes and Personalities
There are different wave styles, and choosing the one that suits your needs depends on your preference. However, you can stand out by selecting the perfect wig wave type that suits your face shape and personality. Just as there are different human beings, so also are there different face shapes for everyone. Below are some of the ways you can select the best wave types according to your face shape:
Oval face shape
The oval face shape is usually considered the ideal face shape. The oval face shape has a narrow jawline and a rounder hairline. If you have this face shape, you can wear any type of wig wave. However, a body wave wig may seem most suitable to outline your perfect face contour.
Square face shape
This type of face shape has the same width for both the jawline and forehead. If you have this face shape, any wavy wig will suit your face. Choose wigs that add more length and attraction to your face.
Round face
A round face shape is one with a large, wide, and round jawline. The cheeks are usually fuller and more bulging. Wavy Wigs like the water wave wigs with a center cut will sit perfectly for this face shape. Wavy Wigs with longer lengths are also a perfect choice. Avoid wigs that have blunt cuts or do not cover the face.
Heart shape
This type of face shape has a wide forehead and narrow jawline with angular cheekbones. Wavy wigs that give a flattering look are a perfect pick for this face shape. Body wave wigs are a type of wavy wigs you can wear if you have this face shape. The length is usually not probably when you have a heart face shape.
When buying your wavy wigs next time, you may want to consider that which suits your face shape. Identify your unique face shape by comparing it with the list above for a clearer idea of what to wear. Make use of a mirror or recent photography of yourself to pick out the unique features of your face to get a clearer look.
How do you Maintain a Water Wave Wig?

Water wave wigs are easy to maintain, and you will wear them for a long time with good maintenance. Here are some of the easy maintenance tips to keep your hair vibrant and smooth all the time:
Wash your wig
Washing your hair is a very important process when it comes to maintaining your water wave wig. You can wash your hair in either cool or warm water to get off the dirt. When washing your hair, ensure you don’t rub it together vigorously, as this will damage the curls. Also, use mild shampoo and conditioner suitable for washing wigs to keep your hair texture in place.
Air-dry your wig
After washing your wig, do not squeeze it with a towel to protect the curls. Instead, hang it out to air dry by itself. This will make your wig tangle less and remain vibrant. You can dry your hair on a wig stand or hanger to keep its natural texture.
Use wide tooth comb
Your wig may tangle a bit after washing it, and the only way to get the tangles out is by using a tooth comb. Carefully use the comb on your hair to detangle the curls from top to bottom. You can also make use of your fingers to detangle your wig.
Apply wig moisturizers
Apply wig moisturizers, wig cream, or mousse to keep your hair looking smooth and sleek. This will bring your hair back to its natural texture and look after washing it.
Do not wear your wig to bed
Sleeping with your water wave wig can cause it to tangle and lose its natural texture. Therefore, remove your wig before sleeping and place it on a wig stand. This will cause you to have less time to untangle it or appear with a messy wig in the morning.
The above are the basic maintenance tips you should employ to give you the best treats. Keep your wig texture intact with the right shampoo and conditioners, and remember to air dry them often.
Where Can I Buy a Quality Water Wave Wig?
Luvme Hair is a hair brand that sells the best wigs in the market. Therefore, if you are searching for a quality water wave wig, this brand is your perfect choice.
There are different wig options to transform your appearance, present your best version, and look natural. A water wave wig is one of those wigs. It is versatile and suitable for different face shapes. This article explained how you can maintain them and also choose different face shapes.